Final Research Reflection

                                                 Self Reflection Essay         It is clear that being in this FIQWS class has developed my literacy skills in order for me to be skillful in writing in the future. I had been put up with many tasks in which I use effective writing skills. Since I was able to gain a lot of feedback from my peers and my professor. We were recommended that every student write at least minimum of 200 words of constructive feedback for anyone in their peer review group. With this feedback, I had developed my style of writing into one that has improved. During this …

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Research Critical Analysis

 Herman Amevor  FIQWS 10103 and 10003  Professor St John and Nieves  November 4, 2019                         Education has been and continues to be a heavily debated topic that’s prevalent in society. In general, education tends to be valued by people, seen as a tool that allows individuals to be successful. Many high paying careers require many forms of education to be completed. Other people criticize education and feel as if it’s not useful for people to be successful in later years. People seem to criticize college since it doesn’t guarantee success. However, both arguments of college being useful and college not being …

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Literacy Narrative

Herman Amevor Professor St John 05 September 2019  FIQWS 10103                                          Literature Narrative           Growing up in America, I was always exposed to words, sentences, and phrases that continued to enhance my understanding of my own literacy. Whether I was on the subway reading a sign or reading a label on the back of a doritos bag, I always took the time to analyze these words, sentences, and phrases since I needed to develop my reading skills in order to be a great student. Although I was able to view these words in my everyday life, doing so was not enough for …

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