Self Reflection Essay
It is clear that being in this FIQWS class has developed my literacy skills in order for me to be skillful in writing in the future. I had been put up with many tasks in which I use effective writing skills. Since I was able to gain a lot of feedback from my peers and my professor. We were recommended that every student write at least minimum of 200 words of constructive feedback for anyone in their peer review group. With this feedback, I had developed my style of writing into one that has improved. During this semester, while we were doing these writing tasks, I was continually told about how I made frequent grammar errors and how I made organizational errors. There was a lot of feedback that I was given. I took advantage of the
mass amount of feedback that I was given. I took advantage of this feedback in the sense that I realized that I had to proofread my writing a little more to make it exemplary in the eyes of the audience reading the essays.
My goal before I started this class for was to be very skillful in how I write as a student. It is very important that I master the skill of writing because writing is something you must do so that you can communicate well and interact with people. Conversation is created through dialogue in writing.Whether it was writing essays or constructing peer review, I always had to make sure that that my writing was relevant to the reader and made sense. If the reader is able to comprehend the writing, then, it would be easier for them to interpret the main message of the writing. There is always a purpose that is given for a writing especially if a person wants a certain audience to read the writing.
During the duration of my time in the course of the semester, I completed various writing tasks such as an exploratory essay, literacy narrative essay and research critical essay.We had separate dates to complete the rough and final drafts for each essay. In order for my peers and I to be successful in completing the essay, we had to complete rough drafts and submit them to our peer review groups. I particularly enjoyed writing the literary narrative because it was own evaluation of my skills of literacy. Even though I reference multiple texts to allow the literacy narrative to follow the guidelines, writing the narrative allowed me to reminisce about the many ways that literacy has been prevalent in my life. I struggled to write the exploratory essay because I had to reference multiple articles to write about a certain topic. This essay took me the longest to write as a result. I was amazed at the fact that we were given the chance to debate about a topic in the research critical analysis. This allowed for us to have an opinion on how we viewed frequent subjects in society.
I had a great professor and great peers in this course for this semester. My professor took the time to address assignments and instructions for the class. My peers definitely took the time to ask any questions relating to the assignments. In addition, many of them participated in the discussions in class and shared many great inputs during class. However, I felt like I barely saw the professor just because class was being cancelled and that there were many breaks. Even the professor sent out emails to everyone about cancelling class and the assignments that we must complete, It was hard for everybody to receive one on one attention from the professor and It made it hard for my peers and I to receive feedback from a person who is a professional in writing. I am certain that if class wasn’t cancelled frequently, more students will be given that one on one attention and may be will be confident about their writing in the course. I found it effective that the professor made a course website in which assignments are posted and there are materials that can help peers become successful. I often access this website to see if I need to catch up on any assignments that can ensure my success in the course. However, grades were not posted on the website. The professor did not choose to use blackboard for the course and it made the students knowledgeable of their progress in the course. It was also very concerning to me because I want to make sure that I have made great progress in all the courses that I take while I am at college.
I would indeed recommend students to take this course because this course is particularly helpful in helping students in being proficient in their writing skills. I chose this class at the beginning of the fall semester and I realized it was a writing composition class. I ultimately benefited from this in the sense that I knew of the many ways in which I could improve my writing so that It could look exemplar to the audience. I hope to continue on with retaining knowledge of writing composition when I get older and have a career in which I perform various tasks that are related to writing. Words are definitely power and people can speak these words through typing letters that create communication to the audience. If writing is not composed in a great manner then people will not take your words very seriously. The audience has to know that words being expressed in writings in a professional way.